a year now huh since my last post....
just really needed to talk to someone but it seemed so hard.....
i guess pouring here will help feel a lil better
why is it that every year's birthday is so hard to pass
didnt people say that this day should be your happiest day?
but why do i feel so troubled and vexed every such time of the year?
its hard to believe ive spent so many years of my adult life alone on my birthdays
i see friends and couples do the sweetest things for each other on this very special day
and all i got was silence and cold
dont i deserve at least a lil bit better?
dont i?
cant i?
dont say that nothing else in the world matter anymore when you have that special someone in your arms
id love to feel that
especially on this day
Gim kai, happy birthday
you are 23 now
a year older
a year poorer
and a year basked in painess