Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Posted on Sunday, November 27, 2005
Topic: We, The Citizens
Now that the World Cyber Games are over, here’s a look at some games they rejected:

Grand Theft Auto: Sesame Street
King Kong: Plays Ping Pong
Need for Speed: Kena Saman
Star Wars: Battle to Scrape As Much Money From Stupid Kids as Possible
Dance Dance Revolution: Community Club Senior Citizen Line Dancing
Resident Evil (HDB edition)
FIFA Nonstop ‘Ole Ole Ole Ole’ Singalong 2006
Final Fantasy VII: The Cute SCGS Chick Who Sits Behind Me in the Bus Everyday That I Don’t Have The Guts to Speak To
Super Mario Mahjong Multiplayer Session
The Sims: Everitt Road
Tony Hawk: HDB Void Deck Handicapped Ramp Skate-o-rama
Pokemon Casino Poker Battle
Barbie: Bulimia in the Bathroom 2005
Extreme NASCAR: Tyre Pumchek on the AYE
Pimply Virgin Who Stays In His Room Whole Day Doing Donno What (Special Edition)
Tetris: Phua Chu Kang edition

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

66th entry

Its quite weird you know, life is falling unto place for me somewhat. 2nd in the All malaysian karate open, (karate checked) Committee member of titans alumni (band checked) Maha bodhi alumni just got approved (band checked again) A active class (school checked) smart group members...except for one (4 major projects checked). you aks yourself, whats missing from this list. seems life is damm good. but being the unsatisfied and greedy me, blardy good friends (unchecked)temper control (unchecked for many years)
Sometime back 2-3 years ago, i once had a very good friend.....once had....haha, weird izzit it, arent good friends suppose to last? yes?,no? if it didnt last then would you still call him/her a good friend? haha i sound like a damm girl..... for those who keep asking me to update, pls back off, i will update as and when i like

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Somewhat forgot i had a blog untill recently then i remembered. well what can i say? how can i compress a month and a half of events into this entry? well i shant. but waht im gonna do is list down the events really

1. SYF outdoor comp (gold) really happy for them happier when i got the gold myself.
2. school reopening. haha when you look forward to seeing pretty gals. its hard to accept when for both years no outstandind ones at all.
3. malaysian tournement- happy with my results got a sliver. a big glory for singapore. beat the malaysians who happen to be top 5 in the world. shall work harder. cause japan is the next stop! bye bye malaysia, ohiyo japan!