Saturday, November 06, 2004

Hey, yesterday had been a day I wont forgot, for actully night literally. I had a long long long long long time since I had a nice chat with this particular long lost friend of mine. (actually I lost this friend and not she lost me) we talked about so much things and all it started was a simple hello! I really have to say a big sorry to her cause I neglected this friend to fulfill a tremendous task. Now that this task is already fulfilled, maybe I should now seek to put my pieces of life around me back again. Well yesterday was already the first step!!! Hey got this warm fuzzy feeling eh? We talked about so much, about how have we been doing and so much about our thoughts during that whole time I was serving the country, no wait, the school? Hey no, the band. Hehe. So yea. Anyway, after we had our chat, I remember that she gave me a card after my April 17th judgment, and that card is about encouragement eh. Haha, warm fuzzy feeling again!!! Hey it is really proven, people of the opposite gender can be really close friends eh! Looking forward to Christmas and grad night!! And to her, hey, those were the time and it will still be!!!!