Lead. Serve. Protect. Nurture
To Lead
To bring people where they ought to be, but not necessary where they want to be
To Serve
To put in whole-heartedness, group before self
To Protect
First to defend the group regardless right or wrong, no matter the status. In any situation no matter how desperate the situations.
To Nurture
Grow and develop new leaders to ensure continuity if not growth.
The creed of leadership..... My creed of leadership
Developed over the years through all my experiences.
In any organization ive led in, i have always followed this creed. This belief. Band, Karate and other passing projects.
Springfield and Ping Yi is effectively separated.
Many Springfield Seniors have decided to help ping yi for the coming SYF.
I dont blame them. If its where their hearts lies. They arent making any morally wrong decision. Theres nothing wrong. Ping yi is more supportive of the alumni movement. Be it time, money, effort, support. Ping yi have been giving the members, seniors tremendous amount of support. Formation wise, music wise, it is also more relevant because its still british style. All seniors know how to help. More importantly, our mentor is there. The man who taught all of us everything we know.
On the other hand. Spingfield have been doing all the opposite. The members themselves dont give a hoot nor respect the seniors anymore. All traditions and values have been lost. The marching styles was changed to American. Members dont care for the band. No Passion except a handful.
But To Protect
I have chosen my own school Springfield.
I just feel sad no one else shares the same sentiments as me.
No matter how much the members disrespect me
No matter how low the state of the band is today
It will always be my place of initiation as a leader
I will do my best to help them
In the end of the day even if they do not hit their target
I must impart in them that they know they did their best. I did my best
Character not results that matters
There will be no regrets.
To Protect.