Sunday, July 13, 2008

Finally after so long of waiitng

i get to really wear national colours and represent Singapore this coming Aug

a pity its just before i enter the army that the dream get fulfilled

World tournament next week already, how time flies

then its Asian karate tournament after i come back

then its "training to be soldier fight for our land!....."

updates updates

my 2.4km time without sprint is 11.17min

just a year ago that time kinda seemed impossible even with a sprint

now its just my normal time

target to break the 11min mark before i go army

chin up still kicking at 3 and thats crap need to do at least 6 before i go in.

i lost weight! haha have to man with the kind of training and frequency

then erm, she got attached already.

what else can i do or say

army is my next stop, rifle my wife haha

courtesy of Ms Xiumin

something she said i always remind myself with.

"Man at your age are at lowest point of your life

you need to go army, a commitment for 2 years

you are broke, no money to even support yourself

you got no job and not enough education.

women on the other hand of the same age

are at their prettiest,

at the right time for a relationship

starting to know many people'

entering the workforce or university."

Bad bad time for a relationship

lowest life form in society

resigned to fate i am, haha...

on the other hand, 5 years down the road the role will be reversed with you earning more money and at your peak of life!

looking forward then =>