Thursday, July 31, 2008
the place is onederful
the weather, the girls, the "price"
love it there
ill post more when i have all the photos
here are some knick nacks of spain
1. The day time is about 18 hours, sun rise at 6.30am sets at 10pm
2. Theres no freakin english channel in spain! so i watched apocalypto, reign of fire all in spanish
3. i will never share room with kim song and nick ever again
4. a can of coke can cost 40 euro cent in supermarket while the same thing can cost 2 euro in resutrant
5. beggars look clean and well fed
6. the fences at the train stations are so low, you dont have to pay to get in or out, just climb over
7. when ur train is on the other side, dont bother using the stairs, just run across the track like everyone else
8. The girls there are either too hot or too not, no in betweens
9. zara is dirt cheap there, a top only cost 9 euro (18+ sing), jeans 19euro (38 sing) just like our hang ten
10. Nou camp (barcelona stadium) is actually very small
Friday, July 18, 2008
its titled the measure of me
i can even remember who i wrote it for.
but enjoy anyway
copyright:Gim kai
Sunday, March 11, 2007
The following is written in inspiration from a long conversation i had last night. it is written also for this person =>The Measure of Me
written by: me
How do others measure me?
By the glories of my past?
The actions of my present?
The plans of my unspoken future?
The medals of my game?
The degree of my literature?
The beauty of my wife?
The pedigree of my children?
The granduer of my house?
The trail of dust my car leave behind?
Or is it by the height of my tombstone,
where the metals of my game,
the paper of my literature,
the wrinkles of my wife,
the growth of my children
the rubbles of my house
the scraps of my car
comes in naught.
I will tell you how i measure me.
By the lives ive tried to inspire and change
By the days ive lived in happiness
By every moment i have not crumbbled to pain and death.
Above all
By the knowledge that my heart feels love. as much as pain
By the seconds i stay alive and well
In all the units of measurement of the world
This is how i measure myself
Monday, July 14, 2008
"How swiftly Caesar had surmounted the icy Alps and in his mind conceived immense upheavals, coming war. When he reached the water of the Little Rubicon, clearly to the leader through the murky night appeared a mighty image of his country in distress, grief in her face, her white hair streaming from her tower-crowned head, with tresses torn and shoulders bare she stood before him, and sighing said:
'Where further do you march? Where do you take my standards, warriors? If lawfully you come, if as citizens, this far only is allowed.'
Then trembling struck the leader's limbs; his hair grew stiff and weakness checked his progress, holding his feet at the river's edge. At last he speaks:
'O Thunderer, surveying great Rome's walls from the Tarpeian Rock --
'O Phrygian house gods of Iulus, clan and mysteries of Quirinus who was carried off to heaven --
'O Jupiter of Latium, seated in lofty Alba and hearths of Vesta --
'O Rome, equal to the highest deity, favor my plans.
Not with impious weapons do I pursue you. Here am I, Caesar, conqueror of land and sea, your own soldier, everywhere, now, too, if I am permitted. The man who makes me your enemy -- it is he who be the guilty one.'
Then he broke the barriers of war and through the swollen river swiftly took his standards. And Caesar crossed the flood and reached the opposite bank. From Hesperia's forbidden fields he took his stand and said:
'Here I abandon peace and desecrated law.
Fortune, it is you I follow.
Farewell to treaties.
From now on war is our judge.'"
Hail, Caesar: We who are about to die salute you.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
i get to really wear national colours and represent Singapore this coming Aug
a pity its just before i enter the army that the dream get fulfilled
World tournament next week already, how time flies
then its Asian karate tournament after i come back
then its "training to be soldier fight for our land!....."
updates updates
my 2.4km time without sprint is 11.17min
just a year ago that time kinda seemed impossible even with a sprint
now its just my normal time
target to break the 11min mark before i go army
chin up still kicking at 3 and thats crap need to do at least 6 before i go in.
i lost weight! haha have to man with the kind of training and frequency
then erm, she got attached already.
what else can i do or say
army is my next stop, rifle my wife haha
courtesy of Ms Xiumin
something she said i always remind myself with.
"Man at your age are at lowest point of your life
you need to go army, a commitment for 2 years
you are broke, no money to even support yourself
you got no job and not enough education.
women on the other hand of the same age
are at their prettiest,
at the right time for a relationship
starting to know many people'
entering the workforce or university."
Bad bad time for a relationship
lowest life form in society
resigned to fate i am, haha...
on the other hand, 5 years down the road the role will be reversed with you earning more money and at your peak of life!
looking forward then =>