Its been a long long time since i last blog. Was busy for my prelims. Say, i am wondering if anyone actually comes here to read all this stuff i wrote? providing the fact i did go around telling people about this blog ya? Whatever the case, it is of no concern to me. I guess my life is simple without much going happening except band and studies and for hobby, martial arts. Come to think of it, i sort of realiesd that i actually had a huge fear of something. No im not afraid to die. If one day my life have served its purpose then so be it. I am more of afraid of being used in the past tense, to be forgotten. Maybe tommorow, i get knocked down by a car and pass on, what would people say of me?? Most probably, "Gim kai was this", "Gim Kai was that" and then as part of a cycle,becomes a memory and then finally forgotten. Then somebody would most probably take the my place in people's mind. Maybe a new friend, whoever it maybe. Then all that you achieve in life becomes naught and your body returns to earth as what would be in a crude manner, fertilizers for the grass to grow! Haha, all this sound so depressing!! Never mind since i guess people dont read of what i write so i guess it doesnt matter much does it? Kinda read boss blog and the other blog MW and he wrote, it kinda left me thinking ya? How much does friends worth around you? No, not a numerical figure, it means the placing in your heart on others. similarly, how much are you worth to them? Its kinda hard to find buddies who share the ame interest as you, think the same way as you, and also guard your back while you guard his-mutual protection. Sure you have met many people in your life, made many friends, maybe better, you made a gang of close buddies. Do things together, stay together in school or outside, so on and so foth. I have seen people desprately trying to find a group and trying do hard to fit in, yet knowing it is futile. Haha, food for thoughts here!!! alrite so i end here, will blog soon again cause i got a hunch some things might happen soon! Bye (to myself and whoever is reading this)