Sunday, June 25, 2006

Im back from a 6 day sailing trip, darker, better, happier(surely much happier, thanks to that person) thinner(hopefully, havent weight myself~) and with a "jermen" slang ya? ill talk about that later so let me take a super deep breath and start talking about this trip. In summary i would call this sailing expedition a combination of OBS and sailing. yup, we've climbed rocks(real high ones) trek through untreked forest (got me some nasty cuts everywhere)and then of course lots of sailing. i mean LOTS LOTS LOTS LOTS and did i mention LOTS? its very enriching really, we get to learn navigation and steering the boat and guess what, when its ur watch, the captain dont help. so you can imagine sailing in the mindless ocean without seeing lan or knowing if you are going the right direction except using the GPS system and this compass globe. learnt lots about all these, waves, tide, direction, lots!

ok lets cut the chase and go to the story telling

crap, raining so we were delayed for few hours so end up setting off late. and when we finally set off, EVERYONE got sea sickness, there was lots of puking business going on everywhere ( i puked 5 times in a row and i mean continously) that cool huh? good for me, i became well after the puking while there were still many dead bodies around. we continued sailing through out the day, i cldnt eat anything so end up not eating the whole day. at night, we were split into watches and mine was the last watch. being the usual me, i didnt sleep at all through out. i helped the other watches too and had a chat with one of the crew, a german engineer, funny guy really, brings lots of laughter through out the trip. first day i made friends with 2 guys mainly "chairman mao" min zhe and "6 pointer" Jocius(dunno spell correct not) more fun to come later. ok i go slp now shall talk about the other days on the next FEW entries