Tuesday, July 19, 2005

life is never fair??? maybe its destined that i must end my springfield seconday school saga.....a big word for a not so big me. had a nice talk with this long time friend today and its good to known shes doing fine and even found herself a very very good friend. thats kinda great. i dont know this good friend of hers, and i wld very much like to know this felle. if *you hurt her, im gonna tear your guts out. im serious. if not, its pretty much fine. actually springfield have only 3 things that i lived for in my school days. one was band, but that was over......then there was the acadamics, the teachers (mdm lim, own everything to her) and then my best bud her. budden things got messy and nv had the chance to really talk to her........but now ive missed 7 mths of her life, totally lost track of her life. what can i say, im a big failure at personal relations. still havent been actually fitting into poly yet, even though my class is indeed fun. but its just different man.........theres no true buddies around......girls with fashion and glamour come to school for catwalk, guys with hair waxed enough to burn the entire empire stae building. how is it possible to look beyond those wax and make-up?? and see thou human soul. call it a talent, call it a curse, what ever it may be, i am quite confident at my human analytical skills. help me see souls.......maybe in my whole pathetic life, i will only have that one true soulmate and buddy???

gim kai body update
1 sore knee
1 brusied ankle
pulled nerve endings and muscle at left arm
skin peeling from sun burn
1 screwed brain
1 confused heart
1 hungry stomach

who would walk the rain with me?
who would sit with me where silence will be enough for our converation
who would trust me so as to fall in my arms from somewhere high
who would have my trust as my thoughts are safely locked in someones mind
who would have me protect when someone is hurt
who would protect me when i have no corner to turn
would who??