Monday, August 09, 2004

Hmmm.....well, smtihng caught my eyes just now, or rather reminded me, and that is the influence that people have over others....well.....some of you out there might think that you are so small, so insignificant to have an impact on others or maybe even influence their minds (even me) and because of that you do things rather insensitively...hmmm..or sometimes you do or say things and unitentionaly affect ppl around you. Thats rather common i must say, but each of us must keep in mind that what words we say or things we do might seemed inconsequential to us, but it might be a whole world to others ya?? I never really believed in that even i knew it exsisted untill just now. So a mesage to others, be mindful of what you say and have a heart to others, you might never know when will someone say a word so powerful that it will affect your puny little lives forever

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